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9 Best Practices for a Chinese Missionary Sending Organization

Strategies to Assist with Chinese Missionary Sustainability

The Chinese church passionately desires participation in missionary sending. Through a survey of the mission sending literature and field research with Chinese missionaries, nine best practices for Chinese mission sending are proposed that may facilitate long-term Chinese missionary sustainability.

Blog Entries

Islam has the largest number of under-30 believers in China?

Christian Today has posted an article with this headline: “Islam is the most popular religion for under-30s in China." The lead says: Islam has the largest number of young believers in China, new research has found, despite the growth of Christianity in the country and an atheist government. The China Religion Survey 2015, released […]

Chinese Church Voices

When Your Phone Becomes a Substitute for True Relationships

[…] in young people. ‪The following is a transcript of an audio interview with marriage, parenting and etiquette expert Jiang Peirong. Jiang is also the author of two  best-selling books, Peirong’s Mommy Bible and Raising a Well-Rounded Child. Interview by host Wenjun, transcribed by Lu Jing and Guo Wei. ‪In early December an 18-year-old boy from […]

Blog Entries

Quotations of Chairman Mao–Really a Best Seller?

[…] the world I am doing here. Since most drivers are in their 40's or 50's and grew up studying the Quotations from Chairman Mao, I reply in my best communist-reciting-a-slogan voice, "I came to serve the people!" The response is always greeted with laughter. Sometimes the laughter is heartfelt, but mostly it is a bit […]

Blog Entries

The End of Cheap China

[…] will ultimately affect the rest of the world. The book is meant to be a fun, entertaining, yet informative read. It has already showed up on Amazon's best seller list for economics books even though it is still in pre-order stage. Here is a link to the book page on Amazon. The book is […]

The Lantern

A New “Quarterly” and a New Website

[…] for ChinaSource the beginning of a new three-year strategic plan. Give thanks for the opportunities God has put before us, and pray for wisdom to know how best to prioritize these. That China’s young adults will find meaningful, personal relationships with Jesus Christ that will be the wellsprings of their lives of faith. That […]

Chinese Church Voices

Jesus: The Best Christmas Gift Ever

[…] is a great chance for sharing the gospel. We should shift our eyes from the present and material things to spiritual things. A man with faith is a man who knows how to grasp opportunities and tell people that Jesus is the best Christmas present. Original article: 北京重要宣教领袖:圣诞节最好礼物——给人耶稣基督 Image source: Nativity, Jeff Weese, via Flickr

The Lantern

Now That China Is Number One

[…] schools outside. ChinaSource is helping to facilitate an ongoing dialog about how these entities can work together to write a new chapter in Christian education in China. 2015 promises to be a pivotal year as we grasp more clearly the nature and implications of China’s new role in the world economy. China’s economic growth […]

Blog Entries

The Final Number Is In!

Thanks to all our wonderful friends and donors, we are looking forward to what 2022 will bring with renewed energy for our kingdom calling.

Blog Entries

Best Christmas Advice: Act One and Act Two

[…] that as what I’m doing and question the value of my contribution. Instead, this is also the voice of the Good Shepherd: Just show up. Don’t underestimate the power of your presence. Originally published on December 14, 2015 at a life overseas. Reposted with permission. Header image credit: Joann Pittman Text graphic credit: Amy Young